Saturday, August 6, 2011

SL Relationships

This is a very heavy topic I know but I feel perhaps it should just be done and over with. There is so much to be written down about this particular occurrence in the world of secondlife. I'm going to try to break down everything that I can in a single post from everything I've learn and what I believe. I understand that not every one is going to agree with what I but I hope most will see what I mean.
Some of the things I've picked up along this two year journey though sl is relationships are going to be a major part of your world. Friendships, girlfriends, boyrfriends (perhaps both) are going to come and go or stay. The first thing I think most forget sometimes, or lose, is in any sl relationship communication is a HUGE part of it. All you have for the most part of sl is communication, you have to be willing to talk things through even the simplest of things. Also never forget no two people are perfect there WILL be fights and every one is going to encounter them, it boils down to whether you can possibly sit down and work through them or is it not worth it and walk away. Sounds hard yet easy all at the same time, confusing I know but it's what I learned the most. You gotta talk! I mean wouldn't you want to talk to your lover, the one you want to spend your time with? If it makes any one feel better this is something I've even struggled with several times myself, but I've sat myself down several times in the last couple months with my girl and we have and so many serious talks I couldn't count them all on my hands. It's rough sometimes but trust me when I say in the end you'll be so thankful for doing it. Real life emotions go into this game, you get invested into the people just like you would in rl and talking has to happen. I couldn't imagine it any other way.
Now time to bring up probably one of thee biggest issues ever in the sl dating community. Cheating. I know this might as well be taboo but sadly it's a daily occurrence in sl, it honestly happens all the time. It's much easier to cheat in sl and both women and men are guilty of this, it's harder to keep track of a partner in the high speed world of secondlife. Sl is really like it's own dimension one month in the real world might as well be three months or more in secondlife, time moves faster in sl. But the one warning I give out in this online game is someone is ALWAYS watching, as creepy as this may sound but it's true. Unless you wanna pay a very pretty penny for your own private sim with none around it there will always be someone aware of where or who you're with. Lets not forget to mention that there's the infamous chat logs, it may be against the rules to share them but hell people do it anyways and harsh as it is LL could hardly care about your little soap opera of yours. They want your money and badly as it is, sl runs on drama and sex (with some rp in there too). From my own personal experience cheating in sl may be a lot of fun, oh yes, but it will come back around and bite you in the ass. It's extremely RARE for someone not to get caught cheating unless it's all on mic otherwise someone is going to know. This doesn't really apply to any of those open relationships but if you go into a close relationship there has to be some trust because there is a lot of temptation in sl and more so than real life.
Moving past some of the much more painful parts of being in a relationship, one of the things I see happening a lot in secondlife is people getting together way to quickly. Yes, this happens in real life as well which really stumps me. I look at all of my relationships and I honestly can say I had always known who I got with for at least a month and tested the waters before leaping. I take the relationship I am in now I knew her from November up until June did we finally get together, we developed such a beautiful friendship and made everything now all that much sweeter. Getting to know someone is key, I've seen way to many stalker and cyber bullies to say you need to really understand a person before getting with them. Those are my words of advice, I know I had so much more to mention on this subject but I can't seem to remember it all now. Damn....should have written it out yesterday. Oh wells!