Friday, December 21, 2012

Simply My Opinions

Since this has been a much heated debate I am seeing everywhere and everyone is so riled up about it with very good reason I've decided to write a very delayed post much deserved. I hope anyone reading this understand this is just the opinion of one person and you can take what you will from it or leave it all on the table and walk away that's everyone's right. This subject has everyone passionate because it hits everyone on such a personal level so there is always going to be aggression when talking about this, but without further delay the subject I'm referring to is the very recent school shooting that happened in Connecticut.

This has effect so many people's lives lately and it has everyone's feathers ruffled and I completely understand why. A tragedy has happened and with the death of any child comes great mourning and the need to strike back. Our children are everything they are the innocence we no longer hold, they carry on our genes, they are our lives that carry on and a piece of us always. So to expect anyone to act calm over this matter is a very pointless request. I do send my best wishes and prayers to all the parents who are grieving right now.

Moving on to the very ugly pink elephant that seems to be steering up such a uproar right now. "Should gun control policies be put in place?" or "Should there be armed guards at schools now?" With such a horrible tragedy happening recently the need to take action always occurs. I am sadden that such a thing had to happen to seriously bring this debate to the front of everyone's attention. Gun control debates are not anything new, yet I'm scared that with one bad thing happening everyone rushes to buy guns for their "protection" or simply because someone might take your "toy" away. (I'm using these terms very lightly) Now to the point of my opinions I know most everyone is going to either agree or hate me. Dangers are around us all the time no matter what you do. Everyday I sit down in my car I take a chance whether how great or small I might die at the hands of someone else. The location I choose to live in very well could kill me or it could simply be that one day someone is going to kill me for the paper in my wallet. I know these are things no one likes to think about it, it scares us and with good reasons. They should put some fear into you because it is scary but it is always a reality we must face.

Death is something that cannot be denied and it's a very grim thing. I know the statistics have changed since I last heard them but from when I last heard a person is dying every eleven seconds whether it be natural or someone was killed. That means since I started writing this post 114 people have died already on this planet and more continue. This is a hard thing to swallow but it's the truth I could not save them and no matter how passionate I was it won't bring thing back. But also thinking like this all the time can kill a person, it's depression how very little control we have and it is something we are always fighting for. Control. And the is exactly what people want when putting guards in or out around schools. With this we have lost control and we are all struggling to find the ground because the false glass we surround ourselves in has shattered and we are seeing the world for what it really is sometimes. Ugly.

Do I believe there should be some sort of gun control? Yes, but I don't have a single clue how to go about it. But I can say in my experience of meeting new people there are a lot of people I would not trust with a gun. But do I think there should be armed guards at children's schools? No, and for this reason I do not what my child growing up in fear with the fear we are all feeling right now. That death could come at anytime any place no matter how hard you try to protect yourself and your love ones. That is the fear I don't want my children knowing I do want them to have innocence for as long as it lasts. I don't want my child asking me why there's a armed or "scary" man standing in front of their school because I do not think I could have the heart to tell my child that because of the "mistakes" and evils of one man their school is no longer considered safe.

But in my last and final statements I want people to know that I did not write this post to scare people or depress people. That was not my intention and I am going to leave something else in everyone's hands. Even though we are losing life quickly rejoice because 232 babies have also been born as I type this out. Though the ashes are never pretty in its place new life grows and is meant to be rejoiced. Living a life in constant fear and also trying to control what cannot be controlled is walking down a road very grim and depressing with fear plaguing you. If you believe in God or not, simply understand somethings do just happen. But I want to live my life believing that most people try to do the right thing and want to be good. Whether I die today, tomorrow, or another 50 years from now I don't know but I do know that putting a gun in my hand I don't think is really going to change that fact. I just wanna be happy not scared.

I hope people took the best from this even though I know many are going to slander me, hate me, or understand and agree. But these are my opinions are you are entitled to your own, that's your free will. Just be careful what you do with it.