Friday, February 3, 2012

The Last Week

Alright so I thought in this little blog I might give a recap of what has been going on in my life. Yes, I know I talk a lot about secondlife, Aspen, shops in sl, Aspen, relationships in sl, Aspen and a few other things as well. But my real life hasn't really ever been much of anything that has been spoken on here so I thought I would add a little of that this time again and well lets face in some more Aspen. I adore the woman sorry if you hate that.

Anyways so in the last week I can give you a really fast overview I bought new shoes last Saturday (70 fucking dollars) but I'm a little bit of a fashion bitch like that. Drove around for a little bit until I could talk to my baby on the computer. I do try to have a real life outside of the computer I swear. Sunday nothing really happened it was a lovely 40 degrees (odd because it's normally 15 this time of year) and just enjoyed off and some peace and quiet. Monday came and went like any first day of work can go but a awesome 60 degrees outside. Tuesday was just as uneventful, swear I do live a boring life most of the time. Wednesday I got a hair cut and cleans myself up like any one else and found out I wouldn't get to talk to my love for like 4 days. Which I know most of you are probably thinking "What's the big deal?" Well you have to understand we literally talk everyday.....and I do mean literally in the probably meaning. We have only gone without speaking in voice for over 24 hours only 2 other occasions in the year and half we have known each other. Granted we didn't start talking on voice until about last April but once we got on voice we never stopped. We talk ALL the time I love this girl this much. Months of talking and we are still strong as ever, I never thought I would this way with someone. So yes Wednesday was kinda a hard day for me. So bumming around Thursday I get home and I turned into like superman for the night and cleaned up my room, scrubbed the bathroom good (that took a hour to do) did two loads of laundry, changed the sheets, vacuumed the upstairs, folded some clothes did come dusting and worked a full 8 hours at work. I was TIRED by nine and totally forgot about the blog post I was suppose to do last night. I do apologize greatly for that. I got kinda wrapped up in real life which I think is actually great. Since I can't talk to Aspen I decided instead of just mopping around secondlife I'm going to take this opportunity to take care of shit in my real life that I would normally blow off and get on the internet. I know that sounds lame or pathetic like some teenage in highschool. But I mean lets face it, if you are here reading this you probably aren't much different from me. I have never hide that I am a nerd, really not much of a social life, love of video games, books, totally a nerdfighter, and blow off shit to LOL at the stupid cat photo that always comes up on tumblr.

Back on to what I was talking about... so we are here on Friday and all I did was go to work (in the pouring ass fucking rain because god decided to piss on the midwest) came home and just chilled for a while. Played some pool in the basement, got some food, watched the brand new episode of Supernaturl (about time CW!!!!) and headed up stairs and here I am in front of a computer writing out exactly what comes across my mind. Honestly everything you guys read here is straight out of my mind I don't put a whole lot of thought into in the fact I pick a subject sorta think about it then just write and go with my opinions and thoughts in the rawest form. Which honestly I find awesome because you are getting exactly how I think. Sorry if every now and then things seem to get jumbled up but hey that's how a mind works and as for grammar I'm pretty good at spelling but I know sometimes I mess up with word flow. As in my head gets ahead of my fingers and things come out rather jumbled but I do hope you get the meaning. Cause well I'll be honest I don't really like proof reading my own work. To much like reading over that crappy over night essay you did that was due that morning because you totally procrastinated that shit and half the paper is just total bullshit. Yea, I much rather have someone else proof read and even then I don't like going back and fixing my fuck ups. I'm human sorry get over it...I suffer from laziness extreme.

Okay so this part of a very long post is going to be about Aspen, I've only been about 48 hours from her and I'm just pitiful without her. Sad, I know but it's totally the truth. When I'm not doing anything in real life I just wonder around aimlessly trying to figure out what to do next. And I don't exactly want to get on the computer because I do think it's healthy to take some breaks from the internet but fuck is sucks like hell sometimes. And well fuck t.v just really isn't all the good most of the time. If any of this makes my a whipped lost puppy, I'll give a bit of advice. I don't give a fuck, I'm happy she puts a smile on my face every single day and hey I probably get a lot my sex than most of you. Cause...hey hey hey we are crazy about each other. I miss her laugh and just but the way her voice changes I know she's blushing and she'll hide her face even though the camera isn't on yet I know she's doing it. I love when she pounces me every single day I get home from work, always willing to help me when I have bad days and I help her on hers. How some how she'll calm me down from something I find the pisses me off like no other. The shape of her lips and how I crave to kiss them, I love her hazel eyes and her hair even though she claims every single day it's a mess. I swear I love it, and how she just lights up with I say "I love you" And I have to say in such a nerd way omg...I love the way we make faces at each other when we get on camera. How I can make the stupidest noises and she laughs and fines them cute. She'll sing to me. I'll sing back sometimes in a much crappier version and totally off like a tone deaf moron but she enjoys it....I think? How we'll lay down on cam and yes she's watched me sleep before and make weird noises on voice. Or how we'll turn on Skyrim and totally nerd it out playing it up and I'll school her some more in video games and it's awesome. I miss how one minute it's all chilled and she's suddenly pouncing me like I've been seducing her for hours. I adore the way she says my name and how she secretly loves it when I call her beautiful or gorgeous and I know she believes me on the rare occasions. Or how she'll laugh when I lamely show her my boxers for the day. I miss every breath she takes in my ear, how she holds me close and tells me she loves me. I miss these things even though it's only been a short time I miss them dearly. All of these things I hold dearly and I cherish them because I don't wanna be without them a minute longer than I have to. I love you Aspen with all my heart. I'll always be just a text, call or a buzz in my pants away from you. And I'll be here waiting for when things clear up in your real life in the next couple days because face it baby, you are stuck with me. All my love is yours, there is no one else I desire but you, no one else I wanna be with. My heart is with you. For as long as you'll have me Red.